
These Silent Symptoms Are Warning Signs of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a debilitating disease that has some silent little symptoms that can alert you to a potential problem. It can reduce the quality of your life and result in other health complications when not managed properly. You may be at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, particularly if it’s in your family history and you’re making poor lifestyle choices and health habits.

If you think you’re at a higher risk, keep an eye on your health and watch out for the following symptoms, which could be your warning signs!

Do You Make Frequent Trips To The Toilet?

Taking more bathroom breaks than usual can be a sign of type 2 diabetes. It suggests that your blood sugar is too high and is being directed into your urine. This is because your body can’t keep up with your increased glucose levels, so it attempts to flush out the excess sugar via the kidneys.

Are You Always Hungry or Thirsty?

Diabetes can make you feel hungry all the time, even after a meal. This is because insulin resistance causes improper intake of blood sugar into the muscles. Even though the blood is awash with sugar, muscle cells aren’t receiving it as they should. This causes a low-energy situation which triggers hormone responses that send a message to the brain about needing to eat more food.

It can also make you feel thirsty. It is normal to drink 2-4 liters of water a day, but if you’re drinking more water than you normally do and still feel thirsty, it’s a warning sign that needs your attention.

Your high blood sugar makes you urinate frequently, so the body uses thirst to tell you to rehydrate. Diabetes can also result in less saliva, making your mouth feel dry, so you feel the need to drink more water.

Do You Feel Exhausted All The Time?

Feeling fatigued and weak for doing your daily activities or even after eating a meal is another warning sign of type 2 diabetes. This is a result of the same conditions that cause feelings of hunger even after eating. Simply, the energy in the blood is not being used by the muscles. This process is what makes you feel exhausted all the time.

Do You Feel Pins and Needles In Your Feet?

Another red flag is the feeling of painful pins and needles in your feet, especially when you wake up. High blood sugar levels can damage the nerves, which particularly affects the extremities. Numbness in the feet can make you more prone to infections too, as you may not notice small wounds that can worsen without treatment.

Are You Losing Weight Unexpectedly?

Sometimes, type 2 diabetes can result in severe, unintended weight loss as the body uses the stored fats for energy. Unexpected weight loss may also be due to increased urination and dehydration. If you’re losing too much weight without trying to, be sure to get tested as this could develop into diabetic complications later.

Do You Get Frequent Urinary Tract and Yeast Infections?

Having recurring urinary tract and yeast infections is another warning sign of type 2 diabetes. The excess glucose in the urine allows bacteria and yeast to multiply faster. The moisture and warmth in the genitalia plus the high sugar levels and resulting acidic pH levels make it an ideal environment for microbes to thrive.

Does Your Vision Get Blurry?

Fluctuating blood glucose levels can cause your vision to blur. The lens in the eye swells due to the excess sugar in the blood. If it gets worse, you might develop more serious conditions that can lead to blindness.

Is Your Oral Health Declining?

If you have frequent oral sores and infections, it’s a sign that you could have elevated blood sugar levels. It puts you at an increased risk of developing other mouth diseases such as gingivitis and periodontal disease.

Are You Always Grumpy and Irritable?

Your rollercoaster of moods can be due to your fluctuating sugar levels. You might find that you’re easily irritated, short-tempered, or always grumpy. If so this is another red flag for type 2 diabetes.

High blood sugar can make you feel low in vitality, so you prefer to stay at home and lie in bed, similar to the symptoms of depression. Note, however, that mood changes due to high sugar levels happen along with other symptoms, not only on their own.

In Summary

Type 2 diabetes develops over time, so it’s important to know the early warning signs to watch out for. If you experience some of these symptoms, get yourself checked. Early detection can help prevent the disease from worsening and developing any long-term complications.