
Reverse Type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle Changes

Can you ‘reverse’ type 2 diabetes? This isn’t really the correct term, the correct term is that your type 2 diabetes can go into remission. However, you may want to know how you can take control of your health and stop your symptoms from worsening. You need to make lifestyle changes, and that’s what we’re going to cover.

Exercise and Be Physically Active

Getting into remission when you have type 2 diabetes has been found effective when you exercise regularly and strive to be more physically active. If you haven’t been active and don’t even exercise, it’s about time you start. But don’t feel too overwhelmed. You don’t have to go to the gym or perform complicated or difficult workouts.

Instead, you can begin with simple activities like walking, jogging, or riding a bike. What’s important is to get into a light sweat! Sweat and get your heart pumping. Start small and gradually increase your activities as you become more comfortable. The goal is to exercise 30 minutes every day, for at least five days a week.

Exercise will help you keep your blood sugar levels down, lose excess weight, reduce stress, and lower your risk of other diabetes complications, such as heart problems.

It’s important to note, that exercise alone isn’t enough to reverse your diabetes, or as we said earlier, go into remission. You have to combine it with other changes to your lifestyle, especially your diet.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

Most people who have type 2 diabetes are also overweight or obese, and losing weight is an effective way to reverse this chronic disease.
Ideally, depending on your weight, you may need to lose 30 pounds or more, and the sooner the better. You can ideally shed the excess weight through exercise and dietary changes.

Eat Healthily

Changing your eating habits and food choices is a big factor in reversing your type 2 diabetes. There’s no magic diabetes diet, but in general, you must reduce eating foods that have high sugar content and high-GI carbohydrates.

You might also want to try the Mediterranean Diet which is a super healthy diet for anyone. This diet gives you a higher chance of getting into remission.
You must avoid eating processed foods and shift to a nutrient-dense diet. You must also avoid all sweet drinks with added sugar and artificial flavorings.

Eating healthily can help you maintain a moderate weight, manage your diabetes symptoms, improve your overall physical health, and prevent mental health problems that typically accompany the disease.

Get Quality and Restful Sleep

Ensuring that you sleep well for at least 7 hours each night is also helpful in reversing type 2 diabetes. If you don’t get quality and restful sleep, it makes you feel exhausted the next day and triggers sweet cravings. Sleep helps the body regulate blood sugar levels. Poor quality sleep and a reduced number of sleep hours can add to obesity risks.

Quit Smoking

Cigarette smoking can exacerbate the complications of diabetes, like heart disease, nerve damage, kidney disease, and blood vessel problems. Smoking makes it harder to manage your diabetes, but when you quit, it can improve your sugar levels. Within 8 weeks of stopping smoking, your insulin becomes more effective, so it’s easier to lower your blood sugar levels.

Quitting is never easy. However, talk to your doctor if you need help in breaking this very bad habit.

Avoid Alcohol

Getting into remission requires being mindful of your alcohol intake. It’s even better if you can quit drinking alcohol altogether. Beer, wine, and other liquor can make it harder to control your blood sugar. They can make your glucose level too high or too low, which isn’t good either way.

Manage Stress

Stress is one of the major culprits of most chronic diseases, and the same is true with type 2 diabetes. Having to deal with diabetes issues and constant monitoring of blood sugar can feel overwhelming and stressful. Unfortunately, stress can make insulin resistance worse.

If you want to reverse your diabetes, it’s essential to manage your stress levels. Engage in relaxing activities as much as possible.

In Summary

Type 2 diabetes can go into remission by engaging in healthier lifestyle changes. To reverse this chronic disease, your blood sugar levels must remain within the normal range for at least three months without the use of medications. Eating healthily, getting physically active, and managing your stress are all essential changes you can do to help get your type 2 diabetes under control.